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Solar high pole lamp is to use solar energy as a light source, green environmental protection, can be recycled, the following solar street lamp manufacturers to share solar high pole lamp brought what convenience?
First, solve the problem of long-distance wire pulling. This not only eliminates the expensive cost of making copper wire, but also is easy to install and operate.
Two, save the maintenance cost of sealed battery. Because it is generated by crystalline silicon cells, there is no need to worry about the maintenance problem of sealed battery deterioration.
Third, more independent. Solar street lights have strong LED lamps as a light source, and intelligent charge and discharge controller equipment is used, and there is no cost.
Fourth, to avoid security risks. Solar street light due to the use of 12-24V low voltage, stable voltage, reliable operation.
5. Longer service life. At the same brightness, the power consumption of solar street lamps is one-tenth of incandescent lamps, one-third of fluorescent lamps, and the life is 50 times that of incandescent lamps, 20 times that of fluorescent lamps, which is the fourth generation of lighting products after incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and gas discharge lamps.
Six, the main is good environmental protection. Solar street lights no pollution, no noise, no radiation; Low power consumption, high luminous efficiency.

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